Sheryn Morris


  • Book cover for Start With a Small Guitar: Poems

    Start With a Small Guitar: Poems

    by Thompson, Lynne

    April 14, 2021

    Call Number: 811 T4733-1

    In this collection by Lynne Thompson the poems are about love and longing that combine the ethereal, the earthy, with unexpected modern incantations to people, places, flora and fauna. These modern lyrical poems are not predictable. Poems of substance require at least a second reading, and these poems require more than that. They are mostly joyous and frequently made me laugh out loud, recognizing Thompson’s honesty about relationships: what we expect, what we get and how we deal with our thoughts and emotions in that context. The title of each poem is like wrapping paper around a gift, with... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Make Me Rain: Poems & Prose

    Make Me Rain: Poems & Prose

    by Giovanni, Nikki

    April 7, 2021

    Call Number: 811 G5115-16

    Poetry is the most intense and concentrated form of writing, using words, metre, rhyme and format to express thoughts, feelings and ideas that can be fact or fiction. It gets at the marrow of truth and truth-telling using words to create an image, not a picture, of an idea. In expository/essay writing, a  subject statement is presented, then followed with paragraphs that have content to support the subject. An essay takes the time and space to implore, convince and to tell you something. Poetry slams on the brakes and makes you reconsider what was written. It may very well make you look... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Nobody ever asked me about the girls : women, music, and fame

    Nobody ever asked me about the girls : women, music, and fame

    by Robinson, Lisa (Music journalist)

    March 16, 2021

    Call Number: 789 R6515

    With more than 40 years covering the world of rock music, chronicler and journalist Lisa Robinson knows very well what the situation was and is for female musicians who perform and record in this genre.  She wrote about the rock music scene in her memoir, There goes gravity : a life in rock and roll, and it was all about the guys. She seems to have been witness at the creation for many a career,  performance, disaster or misdeed. It all... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The madwoman and the Roomba : my year of domestic mayhem

    The madwoman and the Roomba : my year of domestic mayhem

    by Loh, Sandra Tsing

    March 8, 2021

    Call Number: 810.92 L833-2

    Reading Sandra Tsing Loh leaves me breathless, and in the best possible way, from too much laughing. Reading her is akin to watching Robin Williams when he performed his one-person comedy routines. She has, as he had, that rare ability to come at us like jazz musicians riffing: fast and furious, insightful and poignant, enlightening and maddening. There are no one-liners here, but multi-prong judgments that Loh is very adept at, having written quite a few books that you can find here. Her work is as fresh... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The daughters of Kobani : a story of rebellion, courage, and justice

    The daughters of Kobani : a story of rebellion, courage, and justice

    by Lemmon, Gayle Tzemach

    March 2, 2021

    Call Number: 956.9 L554

    What began as the Arab Spring in early 2010, spread to country after country, in a region known as the MIddle East. What began in Syria as a minor protest, devolved into a major catastrophic war that has not ended, and has had major effects worldwide.  Caught up in all of this were the Kurds, an ethnic group native to Western Asia, with many of them living in parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. The complex intricacies of their cultures, values, religions (groups and sub-groups)and political ideas are delineated as clearly as possible by journalist Lemmon. Theirs is a history that has... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Soul food love : healthy recipes inspired by one hundred years of cooking in a Black family

    Soul food love : healthy recipes inspired by one hundred years of cooking in a Black family

    by Randall, Alice, 1959-

    February 8, 2021

    Call Number: 641.5973 R1875

    Mother and daughter writers, Alice Randall and Caroline Randall Williams, respectively, have written a family history as told through food and cooking.  Caroline Randall Williams has rewritten traditional soul food recipes so that the dishes are healthier, and in some cases even tastier. Their family history is based on "five kitchens and three generations of women who came to weighing more than two hundred pounds, and a fourth generation that absolutely refused ever to weigh two hundred pounds... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Spritzing to success, with the woman who brought an industry to its senses

    Spritzing to success, with the woman who brought an industry to its senses

    by Green, Annette

    January 27, 2021

    Call Number: 338.4C8 G795

    Several years ago I first heard about Annette Green because of the eponymous Annette Green Fragrance Archive at FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising), which I have not visited, even thought it is only four blocks south of Central Library. For many others she may not be well known outside an industry that she helped jumpstart and flourish, but her influence is felt in many aspects of our lives. A good deal of what happened in her life was by happenstance, and she always made the most of... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Life on a String: The Yale Puppeteers and the Turnabout Puppet Theatre

    Life on a String: The Yale Puppeteers and the Turnabout Puppet Theatre

    by Rice, Christina

    December 21, 2020

    Call Number: 793.18 R495

    The story of the Turnabout Puppet Theatre, and the three men who created it, is a quintessential LA story. In the 1920s people came west for adventure and opportunity, for year-round good weather, for not being hampered by history, but instead find a place where they could make their own history.  Los Angeles was a city that was starting to grow and prosper, and the setting was mostly hospitable, with affordable personal and professional rental spaces. When the theatre was in its permanent place, a part of fading history was incorporated, with the discarded seats from the Pacific... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The man who ate too much : the life of James Beard

    The man who ate too much : the life of James Beard

    by Birdsall, John

    December 15, 2020

    Call Number: 641.092 B363Bi

    In the preface to this biography there is a quotation from Gael Greene, food and restaurant critic, and it should whet the curiosity of every foodie: "In the beginning, there was James Beard.  Before Julia ..., before a wine closet in the life of every grape nut and the glorious coming of age of American wines, before the new American cooking, chefs as superstars, and our great irrepressible gourmania ... there was James Beard, our Big Daddy."I cannot quite pinpoint my initial awareness of James Beard, but I do remember a week-long-baking experience with his book, ... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The escape artist

    The escape artist

    by Fremont, Helen

    November 9, 2020

    Call Number: 940.5315296 F8723

    There are many factual accounts of people who have survived and lived through torture, terrorist attacks, wars, genocides. Many survivors go on to live productive, successful lives, but suffer residual emotional and psychological trauma that are not obvious to them or to others. In this sequel to After long silence: a memoir, Helen Fremont writes about those very effects that are not visible to anyone outside a family. She and her sister were raised as secular... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for On all fronts : the education of a journalist

    On all fronts : the education of a journalist

    by Ward, Clarissa, 1980-

    October 19, 2020

    Call Number: 809.295092 W257

    War is hell for those who fight and definitely for civilian populations caught in the crosshairs. War correspondents, who are embedded with troops, have their own versions of hell, which Clarissa Ward writes about in her autobiography and chronicle of what it is like to be a broadcast journalist reporting from the world’s nastiest streets. If you think of any wars, conflicts, natural disasters that have occurred over the past 19 years, Clarissa Ward has been there to report on them: in parts of Africa, Afghanistan, Burma, China, Egypt, Gaza, Greenland, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Russia,... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The well-gardened mind : the restorative power of nature

    The well-gardened mind : the restorative power of nature

    by Stuart-Smith, Sue

    October 8, 2020

    Call Number: 615.8515 S932

    For many years Sue Stuart-Smith regarded gardening as a form of “outdoor housework.” It was the life of the mind that she sought, and states, “ … I would no more have plucked a weed than baked a scone or washed the curtains.” She knew that gardening was a part of her family’s history, which she writes about. For her, it was not until some crises and interactions took place, that Stuart-Smith changed her attitude about gardening, which resulted in a profound refocus about her personal and professional life. There were gardening connections in her past, and there would be more in her future.... Read Full Review

